Should I Leave My Hot Tub On All The Time?

Leaving your hot tub on all the time seems like a waste of electricity. After all you probably only use it for a few hours per week. I decided to look more closely into the question of leaving the hot tub running all the time and this is what I discovered.

So, should I leave my hot tub on all the time? Yes, you should leave your hot tub on all of the time. Hot tubs are designed to always be switched on and it’s more economical to keep the water hot than it is to heat it up from cold each time you want to use it.

Why Are Hot Tubs Left On?

The main reason is that it takes a relatively small amount of electricity to keep your hot tub going once it has reached the correct temperature. This is particularly true in the summer if you have a good quality cover and if your hot tub has a high level of insulation. In fact, it’s possible that your hot tub will use very little energy in this situation.

However, the colder the ambient temperature is the more energy it will use to keep hot. Also, if your hot tub hasn’t got particularly good insulation then it will use more energy on a day to day basis to keep warm. Despite this, the general advice is to keep your hot tub running all the time as a number of issues and problems can occur when the hot tub is sitting idle.

What Happens When My Hot Tub is Left Empty?

  • It can become more prone to leaking. It sounds a bit strange but, if your hot tub is left empty then any leftover water could be prone to freezing and damaging the pipework. Also, dry, unused plastic plumbing has a habit of becoming brittle and cracking and can cause problems as well.
  • All of that leftover water will just sit in the pipes. Bacteria and algae grow in stagnant water and it becomes harder to keep everything clean and fresh.
  • The moving parts of the pump and other mechanical and electrical components tend to seize up or at least become less efficient if they are left standing. These components are designed to move – to a certain extent it’s a case of “use it or lose it”!
  • You lose out on the reason why you bought a hot tub in the first place! The whole point is to have a sanctuary for relaxation. A stress-free environment where you can forget about the worries of the world and just kick back for a little while. If your hot tub is off and empty you lose the spontaneous ability to do this. A hot tub can be a major financial investment and, in many ways it just doesn’t make sense not to have it available for you all of the time.

Should I Keep My Hot Tub Open Year Round?

The answer to this is a definite yes! Most hot tubs are designed to stay on and to work effectively even in the coldest weather. Modern high-quality hot tubs have good insulation and, combined with a good quality cover and a thermal blanket can stay efficient and hot even through the colder months. This thermal blanket on Amazon is great for the job and has good ratings.

It’s also, for the reasons stated above, a good idea to keep your hot tub open all year round to prevent problems of frozen or stagnant water. The mechanical moving parts in the pump are also designed to keep on going and it’s better for them to be working rather than sitting idle.

However, the best reason to keep your hot tub open during the winter is for you to enjoy the benefit of it! Imagine sitting in the lovely hot water with snow falling around you or in the depths of the night with the hot tub and the area around you illuminated by twinkly lights! Add in a touch of music or entertainment and the scene is set! You can see all of my very best hot tub music recommendations by clicking here.

Using a hot tub is a rejuvenating and energizing experience. We all need a little lift throughout the winter months so why not keep using the hot tub when the weather gets colder and the nights start to draw in.

There are a few things you can do to make your winter hot tub experience more enjoyable including locating the hot tub near the house to avoid long cold walks! Investing in thick luxurious robes and towels will also make the experience more pleasurable.

Also, think about how you could make the area around the hot tub more inviting for winter use. Patio heaters and outdoor lighting will greatly enhance the whole experience as will providing shelter from the wind and worst of the weather by screening off the hot tub area maybe with plants or fencing. This patio heater is a top seller on Amazon and comes highly recommended. Also make sure that you have sturdy steps and a handrail for getting in and out in cold or potentially slippery conditions.

When Should I Switch My Hot Tub Off?

There are some occasions when it’s obviously necessary to switch your hot tub off. The most obvious is when you are draining, cleaning and refilling it. It’s recommended to do this every 3 months or so to keep the water in the best condition and to keep the hot tub in as fresh and clean condition as possible.

You might also have a period of time when you know that you are going to be away or definitely won’t be using the hot tub. If you are to be away for a week or more it doesn’t really make economic sense to keep the hot tub running all of the time. You might also decide that winter hot tubbing just isn’t for you in which case the hot tub will need to be carefully drained and prepared for the winter months.

What’s The Best Hot Tub Temperature When It’s Not In Use?

The other alternative, if you know that you might be using your hot tub sporadically or you don’t want to drain and switch it off is to lower the temperature. This will save energy and mean that, when you do want to actually use the hot tub, it will take less energy to get it back up to working temperature.

In this instance, it’s recommended to drop the temperature by 5 degrees. You will then need to allow a period of time for reheating again before you get back into the hot tub. If you want to keep a really accurate and close eye on your water temperature this floating thermometer is a great idea.

It’s important, even if you aren’t using the hot tub, that you keep an eye on the chemicals and still test regularly.

Does Leaving a Hot Tub on all the Time Wear it out Faster?

You might be concerned that leaving your hot tub running all the time might cause it to wear out more quickly. This is not necessarily the case and they can actually last longer if they are regularly used as described above.

The amount of time a hot tub lasts really depends upon the quality of the hot tub in the first place and the amount of maintenance it receives over it’s lifetime. The highest quality hot tubs and those that are most expensive can last up to 20 years without any major issues whilst cheaper hot tubs made with lower quality materials may only last for five years or so.

Remember that you can generally get replacements for any parts that wear out. Minor issues do not always mean that the whole hot tub has to replaced and, over the long term, it’s much better value for money to use the hot tub as much as possible rather than try to ration your usage to try to make it last longer.

So, basically leaving your hot tub on all the time is a good idea. It’s better for the hot tub itself and, assuming you use it regularly more economical as well. Apart from this the whole point of having a home hot tub is so that you can regularly unwind and relax. Why not simply aim to do this as often as possible!

Related questions

How do I winterize my hot tub? Drain all of the water out, blow all water from all the pipes and pumps. Thoroughly clean, remove and clean the filters, cover and secure for the winter. You can winterize the hot tub yourself or, as it is quite a big job, a hot tub service engineer can be called to do it.

How often should I change the water in my hot tub if I leave it on all the time? If the hot tub is in continuous use then the water should be changed every 2 – 3 months. Change more frequently if the hot tub is heavily used or the water starts to cloud or smell.

This post was created by Andrew. Enjoyer of hot tub soaking, fine cheese, music and photography.

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