Can You Run Hot Tub Jets With the Cover On?

You may well have got your hot tub on a cycle where the jets come on automatically. It’s most likely that, when the jets come on that the hot tub cover will be on when it’s not in use. But can you actually let the hot tub jets run with the cover on or is it better to have the cover off? Could it be more effective with the cover off or could the churning water eventually damage the cover?

I decided to do some research and this is what I found out:

So, Can You Run Hot Tub Jets With The Cover On? It’s completely fine to leave the hot tub jets running with the cover on. Your hot tub jets should be kept on at all times, as long as you are maintaining the tub and keeping it clean and efficient. This ensures that the tub is regulated and that the water remains heated and ready for you to get in at any time. Keeping the cover on your tub when you are not using it has many benefits associated with it, such as keeping the water inside the tub insulated and ensuring that no wildlife or creatures get into the hot tub.

That is not to say that there aren’t some risks associated with leaving your hot tub jets on while also keeping the cover of your tub on. There are a few issues that can arise when you leave the cover on for too long with the tub running, but these issues are extremely rare and shouldn’t really cause any concern.

These slight possible issues can be remedied fairly easily in just a few simple steps, so you have nothing to really worry about when it comes to leaving your hot tub jets running with the cover on.

What Risks Are Associated With Leaving Your Hot Tub Jets Running With The Cover On?

The risks associated with leaving your hot tub jets running whilst the cover is on are exceptionally rare, yet it is important that they are addressed so that you know how to fix them in the unlikely event that they occur.

Chemical Inbalance – The first possible issue that can arise when you leave both the jets and the cover on is a chemical imbalance in the water. Your hot tub pump regulates the water within the tub. The pump keeps the water level accurate and sends the water to where it needs to be. The filter of the tub ensures that the water in the tub is kept clean and fit for use and the heater keeps the water warm.

When the cover is kept on the hot tub for extended periods of time, this can lead to a heat rise within the tub. This is often reported during the summer months as the heat outside of the tub is increasing the heat inside the hot tub. This high temperature can continue to rise in some cases as the cover of the tub is keeping the water insulated and not allowing any hot air to escape. This can lead to a chemical imbalance in the water that sometimes cannot be filtered out.

Although this issue is rare, it can occasionally happen. To remedy this issue, all you need to do is remove the lid of the hot tub every so often during the hotter months. This should keep the temperature of the hot tub regulated.

hot tub cover
Check your hot tub cover for damage

UV Problems – Another issue that can arise when the hot tub jets are on and the cover is kept on revolves around the type of cover that you are using. In the majority of cases, using a hot tub cover has a whole range of benefits that vastly out way any possible issues that could arise with its use. That being said, not all hot tub covers are the same, and subsequently not all hot tub covers are entirely safe to use.

Plastic hot tub covers may be some of the cheapest out there and may insulate your tub quite well during the Winter months, but during hotter seasons a plastic cover can cause some issues. It is frequently reported that a plastic hot tub cover has a tendency to magnify the sun’s UV rays.

These magnified rays can actually melt the hot tub’s frame if it has been made with a cheaper material. This can obviously lead to more problems with the hot tub and will most likely require repairing by an external source or replacing which can be very expensive.

The Benefits Of Keeping Your Hot Tub Cover On

Keeping your hot tub cover on when you are not using it is actually a very smart move. There are quite a few benefits associated with keeping your cover on for extended periods of time.

For example, keeping your cover on and keeping your hot tub jets on at the same time often lowers your monthly electrical bill when compared to leaving the cover off and turning the tub’s jets off. It actually takes much less energy to keep the hot tub running 24/7 than it does to continuously re-heat the water from scratch every time you wish to use it.

In addition to this, it also means that the hot tub is always ready to be used. You don’t need to wait for hours before your hot tub water has reached its optimum temperature. Keeping both the hot tub jets on and the cover on when you are not using the tub will ensure that the water is kept warm and ready to use whenever you may need to jump in and relax.

Additionally, keeping the hot tub cover on will also help to keep the water inside the tub regulated. As no outside chemicals or substances are entering the hot tub, the filter does not have to work as hard to keep the water chemically balanced. This means that the hot tub water is kept regulated and safe to use at all times, subsequently meaning that you can use it at any point without having to wait.

What Type Of Hot Tub Cover Is Best For Insulation?

When looking for a hot tub cover that insulates your tub the best you will likely be met with three distinct options: a soft spa cover, a hard spa cover, and an aluminium spa cover. Each of these covers has their own various benefits and downsides but only one of them can be considered the best for insulation.

While a soft spa cover (usually made from vinyl fabric) is the most affordable option, its ability to insulate the hot tub is not that great. This is because soft spa covers are not usually thermal, therefore being unable to trap in the heat from the hot tub effectively. Aluminium spa covers offer a durable hot tub cover option that can last for an incredibly long time in all weather conditions, yet their ability to insulate a hot tub is not one of their primary features.

The best hot tub cover to use for insulation is the hard spa cover. This hot tub cover is usually made from both vinyl and foam. These covers are usually designed to accurately match your tub’s specific measurements. This ensures that no heat manages to escape the hot tub. The ability to retain the heat from inside the hot tub makes a hard spa cover the best option for those looking for a hot tub cover that keeps the tub insulated.

Related Questions

How Long Does It Take To Heat Up A Hot Tub?

Generally speaking, a hot tub can take anywhere between 3-8 hours to fully heat up and reach optimal temperature. There are a few factors that can determine this length of time such as the capacity of the hot tub, the initial temperature of the water, and the natural temperature of the air at the time.

Can I Leave My Hot Tub On In Winter?

Fortunately, in most cases you can leave your hot tub on during Winter. The heating of the hot tub should ensure that the water inside does not freeze during the cold Winter months, however, this may not be the case if the weather become worse and temperatures drop significantly. Buying a hot tub cover will help to make sure that the water inside the hot tub is kept warm and insulated during colder weather.

This post was created by Andrew. Enjoyer of hot tub soaking, fine cheese, music and photography.